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When you win an auction or buy a domain on Closeout on GoDaddy Auctions, you have to wait several days until it’s transferred to your account.
You can wait 5, 7, 10 days… it depends.
The good news is that you can check the domain’s transfer date. The bad news is that you won’t find that info in an obvious place, such as your account.
Well, technically, it’s in your account, but not where you’d expect. You’ll see what I mean.
Check the Transfer Date of a Domain Won on GoDaddy Auctions
Here’s what you need to do to find out the transfer date of the domain you won on GoDaddy Auctions.
Step 1
Go to the GoDaddy Auctions page and log in.
Step 2
This is the tricky part.
Normally, your first instinct would probably be to access your main account area, from the top right, to find information about the domain. But you won’t find any info there.
What you have to do is to select Won from the Biding List drop-down menu that appears on the GoDaddy Auctions page after you log in, on the same row as the Log In button.
Step 3
Look in the table, under the Status column. There, you’ll see the transfer date of the domain you won on GoDaddy Auctions.
For me, it takes 5 days. For you, it might take longer, depending on whom you bought it from.
That’s a Wrap
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